Comments Posted By a reader
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Speaking of Mary Jo, I believe it truly was an accident, and Kennedy's strange actions followed by the false testimony was meant to cover up his romantic escapade with another woman (possibly, Rosemary Koeugh whose purse was found in the car) form the "Broiler Room Girls" party.

The only logical explanation of Kennedy's ridiculous behavior and unconvincing explanation is that at the time the accident happened, he had no idea that Mary Jo was sleeping on the back of his car while he and his female companion, both under the influence of alcohol, were rushing to the beach to satisfy their lust. They both managed to escape, leaving unknowingly Mary Jo to her slow and painful death in a sank car.

When Kennedy and his buddies realized that Mary Jo was in the car, it was too late to invent a completely new scenario, so they came up with a modified one that would minimize damage to Kennedy's political career.

Should Kennedy report the accident right after it happened, as he was required by the law, Mary Jo would have been, most likely, spared.

So, was Kennedy a monster who knowingly left a human being in need in order to protect his own ass? I don't think so. Was he a self-centered opportunist (like the one pictured in the movie "Emperor's Club") who thought that he was above the law as long as he could get away with what he'd done? You bet he was.

The “mainstream” media brouhaha of Kennedy’s “redemption” tacitly ignores one inconvenient fact: he never came clean and never revealed what really happened that tragic night. (Why am I not surprised?) Should he do so, I would probably be among those calling for forgiveness and for giving him a chance to straighten his life.

Comment Posted By A Reader On 29.08.2009 @ 12:07


As one of the few people who reads both (apologies) and rwnh, as a commenter said:

"I am not a Rudy supporter and don’t plan on voting for him."

on the other hand, if you are a Rudy supporter, please contact me because I don't see why anyone really believes this guy/hack is the heir apparent. I could be wrong but convince me.

Comment Posted By a reader On 31.03.2007 @ 02:17

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